
Published On 9 3 月, 2014 » 2570 Views» By musicplushk » Music Information 音樂資訊


2009年十月,小男孩Diego Frazao Torquato的這幅照片使許多巴西人感動得落淚。他在他老師John Evandro da Silva的葬禮上,演奏小提琴。這個老師教他在AfroReggae樂隊演奏樂器,給了他擺脫貧困的希望。老師是AfroReggae樂隊的組織者,在Rio de Janeiro 被謀殺了。

小男孩Diego沒能從失去老師的痛苦中掙扎出來。他體弱多病, 來年死於白血病,年僅12歲。


In October 2009, Diego Frazao Torquato moved much of Brazil to tears when this picture appeared in the media. Diego was playing at the funeral of his teacher, John Evandro da Silva, the man who had given him hope of escaping poverty through the mastery of a musical instrument in the AfroReggae group. John, one of the coordinators of AfroReggae, had been murdered in Rio de Janeiro.

Diego never overcame the pain of John’s death. A frail boy who battled with many diseases, he died of leukemia the following year, aged 12.

See his tears. They will never die.


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